TOP 4: Work From Home Products

TOP 4: Work From Home Products

Working from home can be a lot of fun but it can also pose challenges on your body if your work environment doesn't support or encourage good habits. We have compiled a list of the Top 4: Work From Home Products to help you get comfortable while working at home.

1. Lumbar Support Stretcher

After a long day behind the computer, I love to place this Lumbar Support Stretcher on the ground for a good stretch.  My lower back tends to give me problems if I sit for long periods of time without stretching. Stretching the lower back has many benefits to spine alignment and posture. Speaking of improved posture, sometimes I place the Lumbar Support Stretcher on my chair for lower back support.  I find that this placement prevents me from hunching over my computer.

2. Hand Grip Strengthener Kit (5pc)

Oh gosh, do I really type for roughly 8 hours a day? YES! and probably more on busy days. Think about all the things you do with your hands throughout the day. Now you can stretch and strengthen your hands with these 5 hand grip strengthening tools. These devices isolate your hand and forearm muscles which can help in strengthening your grip.

3. Bulb Terrarium

The Bulb Terrarium is a great way to add a splash of color to your work space or window shelf. Each bulb is 3.5" tall and has a little over 2" wide at its base. I currently have some ivy clippings growing in my Bulb Terrarium that I took from a larger plant in my living room. This subtle treatment is an instant stress reducer and aids in promoting positive vibe and spirits. If your'e a plant person, you get it.

4. Massage Ball 

The simplest and most effective massage hack. Leave one at the office, in your gym bag or in your travel bag. Roll out and massage tired muscles. Roll out and massage your feet after a long walk, press against a wall for a deep massage, stretch and grip your hands after working on the computer all day. Great lower back massage. Believe me when I say, this hack works.